
This movie is probably racist, sexist, and homophobic. And I'm gonna talk about it, even though it's not remotely current.

Femmebot: Bringing you the creme de la crap since 2010.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Aw, Fuck You in Your Handsome Face, Jeremy Sisto!

I just discovered that one of my current favorite Tortured Actor guys starred for three years in Law and Order: The Series that Killed Jerry Orbach. Now I like these formulaic forensics shows that begin with a homicide and end with an arrest and/or unlikely confession as much as the next gal (see my Vincent D'Onfrio collage), but all I can think in response to this discovery is: "There goes 64 hours of my life (minus commercials)."

Why, why, why did I have to watch all thirteen episodes of Kidnapped? God, that's like shooting heroin directly into my Rapunzel Complex gland.

[On a related note, we here at Femmebot Versus Shark are currently accepting applications for corporate sponsors.]

1 comment:

  1. "See my Vincent D'Onofrio collage." You're a funny bitch, Jellybean.


This is not a forum for the debating of the existence of sexism, homophobia, racism, classism, transphobia, ableism, or any of the other major forms of intersecting oppressions. OMG, THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER PLACES YOU CAN DO THAT!

Also, disagree with me and each other all you like! I love that! If you noticed I said something fucked up about oppression, or if your expertise in your own oppression gives you a better view, and if you are feeling generous enough to share that with me!? I embrace that!

Just be respectful. No name calling, No verbally attacking people. Please, my three readers and twenty-five spambots have feelings too, you know.