
This movie is probably racist, sexist, and homophobic. And I'm gonna talk about it, even though it's not remotely current.

Femmebot: Bringing you the creme de la crap since 2010.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Haiku for Far North (2007)

All I'm sayin' is / don't you ever fucking fuck / with Michelle Yeoh.


  1. Your insights and comments on this topic are very insightfull the rape revenge topic you have to really ask what kind of person does this and watches it I cnt pull away
    We should dicuss the Forsaken more I love your description of it as well where have you been all this time your blog is delight full
    this is Dr.Chris we met tonight
    here is mine


This is not a forum for the debating of the existence of sexism, homophobia, racism, classism, transphobia, ableism, or any of the other major forms of intersecting oppressions. OMG, THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER PLACES YOU CAN DO THAT!

Also, disagree with me and each other all you like! I love that! If you noticed I said something fucked up about oppression, or if your expertise in your own oppression gives you a better view, and if you are feeling generous enough to share that with me!? I embrace that!

Just be respectful. No name calling, No verbally attacking people. Please, my three readers and twenty-five spambots have feelings too, you know.